Monday, January 2, 2017

Book of the Month: The Mood Cure

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone is having a great start, or at least trying to. If you watched my video that I uploaded yesterday (Tea Talk: New Year Update and YouTube for 2017 (3 Min.)), then you will know that lately i've made some pretty healthy changes to my life. I've been eating a lot better and my energy levels and moods have been feeling pretty incredible!

I bought the book The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today about a year or so ago and never read it because I couldn't find myself to be disciplined with my diet just yet. Well, after a year of being sick of my fluctuating energy levels and moods, I decided to eat better and dive into this book.

I'm not completely through it yet, but I wanted to read it together with you so we can take the health journey together.

From what i've read so far, it's been incredibly helpful and certain parts have even left me dumbfounded. I don't want to give everything that i've read today, but if you want to start the new year in a healthier and more stable state, I definitely think you should read this as well!

Let me know if you decide to at least look into it in the comments below!


April Rose

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